Friday, January 22, 2010

A Gift of Networking

Greetings fellow Travellers! :-)

It turns out to be Gift Week this week. Not a bad idea at all, to remember all the gifts we're given.

So with that in mind, I give you...A Gift of Networking.

Humans are social creatures, creating connections at the drop of anything even vaguely resembling a cue.

And sometimes the connections have help.

A wonderful example of the former were the outstanding Helper Mice (a term [oddly enough, it's not yet in the glossary, so for an explanation see this post instead] from the amazing Havi Brooks) from the Briarwood Mall Sear's & Land's End counters, as well as the Land's End customer service line. All three lovely ladies went out of their way to make sure a transaction, while a bit odd, went smoothly.

An interesting example of the latter is seen by the web woven by my 'just happening' to decide to read a particular post on the web, rather than in e-mail, 'just happening' to read the comments, where I 'just happened' to see a lady looking to find a home for jewelry supplies. In Twittering with her, I found out that she 'just happened' to not only live in the same town as us, but the same part of town. And in checking out the stash, I 'just happened' to discover beads that I needed to finish a current commission.

Co-incidence? Maybe. But I tend to think not.

So, in networks big & small, planned & unplanned, thus do we make the human connections that help us along our way.

So, your Question for the Day, should you choose to answer it (and I hope you will! :-D) is...

Where have your networks helped you out lately?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)
-Birdy! :>

P.S. - Please share your comments, answers, questions, and stories in the comments section below, or by e-mailling us at phoenyxravenswing at gmail dot com -B! :>

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