Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Releasing the Hounds - Finding Fehu

Greetings fellow Travellers! :-)

We've been making progress lately, small tho' it sometimes seems to be. We've been figuring stuff out, thinking a lot, and putting the bits & pieces together into a (hopefully) coherent whole.

One very kyool piece was provided on our daily walk with our Basset Hound, Bailey. Beside the sidewalk today we noticed a clump of sticks, among them a stick in the shape of Fehu, the Abundance Rune.

Making a mental note to pick it up on the way home, we said our “Thank you!”s and moved on. On the way home, we did indeed pick it up, and it now sits in the window beyond the computer screen to remind us of why we are doing all this: Abundance. For ourselves & for others.

So, your Question for the Day, should you choose to answer it (and I hope you will! :-D) is...

Where are you bringing Abundance into your life?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)
-Birdy! :>

P.S. - Please share your comments, answers, questions, and stories in the comments section below, or by e-mailling us at phoenyxravenswing at gmail dot com -B! :>

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