Tuesday, January 12, 2010

On the State of Being Tired or What One Can Learn from Exhaustion :-P

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

These being written a bit after the fact this week, I admit, certain things are a bit of a blur at this point.

And one of them was Tuesday.

What I mainly remember about Tuesday was pervasive tiredness, coupled with a strong desire to know what the **** Borders was thinking of when they wanted my husband to be in at 6O'CLOCK IN THE BLESSED A.M.!!!

Ahem. Sorry about that. But we are Night People, and you'd really think that Borders would have figured that out by now.


The other thing I remember about Tuesday was finally coming to terms with a couple of guilty pleasures I still have, despite strong feelings for years now that I shouldn't have them.

The "Patty Duke Show" and "Mister Ed". Both born of pain and inexcusable treatment of our fellow beings, both human & animal. I cannot & do not forget that. But I have chosen to allow myself to honor their pain and thank them for the sacrifices they made, unwilling though they were, and let myself off the hook for watching every once in a while.

Is it the 'right' thing to do? I don't know. And yes, they are just television shows. But who's to say whether and when pleasure counterbalances pain? Not me, I know that much.

And is it 'enough' to say to the air "I'm sorry these things happened to you and I'm grateful for what you give to me?" I don't know that either.

Big thoughts for a little Tuesday, full of tired.

Not sure of the question really, tho' there 'should' be one.

Maybe it's enough to simply think about the sacrifices others make on our behalf, knowing & unknowing both, and to silently (or not-so-silently) thank them for doing so.

Thank you. :-)

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)
-Birdy! :>

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