Monday, January 18, 2010

A Gift from a Friend

Greetings fellow Travellers! :-)

It turns out to be Gift Week this week. Not a bad idea at all, to remember all the gifts we're given.

So with that in mind, I give you... a Gift from a Friend.

Our friend Karen is officially retired as of yesterday, and high time too, in both opinions, so we went to celebrate her new-found freedom.

After a delightful lunch at Argerio's in Ann Arbor, full of good food & good company, when the check came, she offered to cover it. My first instinct was to say 'no', as we'd been the folk to invite her, and after all, she was the guest of honor. But then I remembered that sometimes gracious receiving is the best gift you can give someone, so after receiving verification that yes, she meant it, we gratefully accepted her generous offer.

Which just goes to show that when you give a gift, you don't always know the ripples it will create.

So, your Question for the Day, should you choose to answer it (and I hope you will! :-D) is...

What gifts are you giving today?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)
-Birdy! :>

P.S. - Please share your comments, answers, questions, and stories in the comments section below, or by e-mailling us at phoenyxravenswing at gmail dot com -B! :>

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