Wednesday, January 20, 2010

A Gift from an Argument

Greetings fellow Travellers! :-)

It turns out to be Gift Week this week. Not a bad idea at all, to remember all the gifts we're given.

So with that in mind, I give you...A Gift from an Argument.

Mike & I were in a terrible hurry, trying to get through the store and back home before he needed to leave for work.

There was a bit of snarling involved, I'm embarrassed to admit, about what was necessary and not to purchase just then.

But the kyool thing about it all was that in the aftermath of a particularly heated bit of snarling, I ended up stopping the cart right in front of the bottle of special bath gel that I'd been looking for in the first place.

If I hadn't gotten frustrated and angry and stopped in just that place, I might not have seen it in time, and we were completely out.

A major crisis? No. The best way to go about it? Also no. But finding the good in every place that you can? Priceless.

So, your Question for the Day, should you choose to answer it (and I hope you will! :-D) is...

Have you found Gifts in unexpected places? If so, what?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)
-Birdy! :>

P.S. - Please share your comments, answers, questions, and stories in the comments section below, or by e-mailling us at phoenyxravenswing at gmail dot com -B! :>

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