Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Is Gone, All Hail 2010 aka Here's to a New Year, a New Decade, & a New Life! :-D

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

Been a bit since I've written. It was a combination of the December blues which I've had for a few years now and the realization that we need to be moving & combining our blogs into one space, and the resultant sense of 'why should I write when I'll just need to copy it into the new place anyway?'

But I'm back, at least for now. Will update you when we move to the new site, but in the meantime, I wanted to record some of the awesomeness of the day, and invite you to share your own New Years' Awesomenesses.

1. Got to see both 79977 & 79979 on the odometer today. For one who is intrigued by such things, this was immensely nifty.

2. The paycheck hit a day early, reducing much stress in the household, and allowing the easier import of More FEESH. This is always a good plan, to paraphrase Lady Coco, who admitted to having a virtual paw in the works on that one. Something about it improving the energy she rests in for the part of her that is my Hat. (Yes, part of her hangs out with me 24-7, and let me tell you what - she is way more awesome & effective than Prozac! :-D For me, at any rate.)

3. Was able to follow up on the slew of recent opportunities because of the influx of money. Yay! :-)

4. CrowTarot Tours is really starting to come together, hardcore, and I'm really getting the sense that it's really gonna happen this time.

5. Had a wonderful evening of FEESH! and Star Trek 2009. :-)

And now... onto 2010!!! :-D

As I leave you tonight, I invite you to share your thoughts, hopes, dreams, ambitions, and whatever else you'd like to share about the year to come, and I ask you this question...

What's next?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)
-Birdy! :>

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Letting Your Dreams Come True

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

Mike & I indulged ourselves today, taking full advantage of Borders' Employee Appreciation Days. Among the many goodies we were blessed to invite into our lives, I finally was able to get my copy of the "Big Box Set of All the M*A*S*H Episodes" that I've been drooling over for as long as it's been out.

So I should be ecstatic, yes?

You'd think so, anyway. And I am, don't get me wrong. But there's also this part of me that is being panicked far beyond the money spent. Which was very confusing to me to discover.

But I realized that, somewhere along the line, that old message about not being worthy of having my Dreams come true was creeping back in to my life. That it's always about tomorrow, never about today. *GAH!* I know better! How could I be allowing such messages to be in my space?!

A dramatic rethink was in order, and promptly!

So I did, and realized that maybe , by relaxing & allowing myself to enjoy this small-big Dream that has come true for me, I could allow the expansion-of-energies that will allow the big-big Dreams to come true also.

And there was much Guide-ly *happydancing* to be had. (You know, the "rain in Spain falls mainly in the plain" kind. And/or the "Glory, Hallelujah, I think she's got it!" kind. :-D)

So as I leave you tonight to go and enjoy the fulfillment of this particular Dream of mine, I ask you this question...

Are you letting your Dreams come true?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)

Monday, December 7, 2009

Wearing the White Hat

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

Well, I can safely say that Mike & I added a few more things to our "not how we're going to run OUR biz" list this weekend. Oy comma vey freakin' exclamation POINT!

Now, as much as I'm tempted to, I'm not going to tell you this person's name who has provided us with such educational opportunities, nor am I going to tell you the organization they work with. In addition to the fact that I see no reason to condemn an entire organization of otherwise lovely, dedicated people for the actions of a single less-than-enlightened soul, it's also because that's not the kind of person I want to be.

You know the white hat/black hat symbolism from back in the day? Well, I like to wear the white hat.

As an excellent example of what I call White Hat behavior I give you Rene Auberjonois of Benson & Star Trek fame. I was privileged to see him at a couple of Star Trek conventions in Florida. What struck me then and stuck with me through the years, beyond the usual fannish things, was his complete and respectful professionalism. He had stories to tell, as all the speakers do, but they were never mean or gossipy, and even when flat-out asked (not by me), to dish the dirt on his shows and his fellow actors, he politely, but firmly refused. Class.

To this day, when I am tempted to indulge myself in less-than-professional behavior, I look to his example and remember the kind of professional, and the kind of person, that I want to be.

So I'm not going to tell you about this person, or about what happened.
It's about taking the high road.
It's about being better than that.
It's about being the person I want to be.

It's about wearing the white hat.

So as I leave you tonight, basking in the glow of taking the higher course, I ask you...

Are you wearing the White Hat?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)

Friday, December 4, 2009

The Only Constant Thing Is Change

Change happens.
Change happens a lot.
A lot of Change happened today.
It was good Change, most of it, but still a lot and therefore still a bit overwhelming.
More later when my brain settles down.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Small Miracles

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

Over the last several days, I've been fortunate enough to have been blessed with a series of small miracles. From a piece of quartz appearing on the sidewalk in front of me when I really needed it, to the support stockings I needed showing up at Walgreen's not only in the correct sizes, but on sale at the price I wanted to pay, so that we didn't have to visit another store when my husband & I were both exhausted & hungry (not to mention the Mint M&Ms suddenly showing themselves, ditto), to the feather gifted to me on the back seat of our car when I was clearing it out to receive the return-bottles, to the reassuring *pops* of the I.C.E.s (Intelligent/Independent Crystal Entities) as they let us know, per our request, of their presence as they come and go, I've seen vibrant proof that the Universe will provide, and astoundingly well, if only we will open our minds & hearts and allow that to be a truth for ourselves.

Now, yes, there will be those among you saying that these were just co-incidences, or everyday occurrences, or other words that mean that these gifts should be disregarded. But to me, whether these were true miracles or not isn't nearly as important as being aware of the countless gifts the Universe will give once you are open to receive. So I will say thank you anyway.

Thank you! :-)

And I as leave you tonight, replete with the knowledge of the small miracles happening all around, I ask you this question:

Are you looking for the small miracles?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :0)

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

When Being a Failure Isn't


I've been up, down, and around today, so am taking a bit more time to get my head around my topic.

Catch you on the flip side! :-D

BB & GF! :-)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Any Size Is Beautiful

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-D

In my wanderings over the Internetz this past weekend, I've had cause to pause, reflecting on the very small current readership of this blog. Now, I could have added that to my list of things I'm depressed about, but I found that I don't want to do so. I'm happy where I am.

There's a freedom in 'talking to the air'. (Or in this case 'typing into the ether'. :-D) For me, at least, it's a weird kind of permission to say exactly what I want to say, how I want to say it, without the need to worry about how it will be received or perceived. Now, yes, I should be doing that anyway, but we all know that that's not always the easiest thing to do, especially for a woman. Add to that a certain shyness and you have a perfect recipe for endless self-editing.

So I'm choosing to revel in my present anonymity. If any of what we've been channelling comes to pass, it will end soon enough. For now, I will enjoy the chance to simply be who I am, without worrying about how others see me.

And later on, when more folk come on board, that will be nice too. Writing words that inspire people is a very heady brew, and one that I'm looking forward to getting back to after taking several years off to grieve passed relatives and old lives. It's nice to be able to make a connection with people, to share our humanity and remind us all that none of us are truly alone.

It's all about choice, after all, and choosing to live in the present moment. So, as I type these words to the small audience I have now, and the larger audience I may have later, I leave you this evening with this question:

Are you happy at any size?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)