Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Watch Out for the Unexpected Squirrel! :-D

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

When I opened the door to get the mail today, instead of the post, I got a squirrel! Okay, it didn't come inside the house or anything - there's a glass screen door that sees to that - but it was still a very startling occurrence, for both of us.

We watched each other through the glass for a bit, then when it did that squirrel sidle-&-retreat thing they do, I quietly shut the door to grant the critter a peaceful space in which to make a more formal exit.

Now, I could have been all annoyed that this squirrel was there, but instead I choose to simply stand & admire this beautiful animal sitting on the porch. The different colors in the furr are really quite remarkable when you get a chance to look at them up close.

And I would have missed this if I hadn't been willing to readjust my Worldview & my schedule on the fly. Everything got done that needed to get done (the mail was all ads anyway :-P) and I got to have a beautiful Nature moment. How kyool is that?

Have you had an Unexpected Squirrel today?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)

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