Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Interruptions as Opportunities

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-D

Well, yours truly has certainly been getting some practice in the rewriting-of-circumstances today! It seems like every time I started to do something, there was an interruption of some kind. But, keeping last night's lessons in mind, I have done my best today to look at these interruptions as the opportunities they really are.

Opportunities, you say? Yes. Interruptions can be a place of pausing, to re-evaluate your direction in the moment, and make any course corrections you find beneficial. They can be an excellent time to practice patience and letting go. They can be beacons alerting you to places where you might wish to examine your relationship to time and the choices you make in spending that time.

All this from something we-as-humans so often identify as a pest and a nuisance. Makes you wonder what else we might be missing, doesn't it? :-D

How do you see the interruptions in your life?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)

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