Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Small Miracles

Greetings fellow Travellers! :-)

Miracles abound, you just have to look for them. Whether the metaphorical miracles such as the beauty that surrounds us, or the literal miracles which happen from time to time, miracles are everywhere.

Mike & I are blessed to live in a very beautiful part of the world, but every place has its beauties if you take the time to look. It may be something as small as a defiant dandelion blooming in the midst of a less-than-lovely section of the urban jungle, but it is there.

The literal miracles can be harder to spot, due to the tendency of the human mind to dismiss such things as a misseeing or a misremembering or the like, but they also exist - more so if you allow & encourage them. An example of one of mine is the day I went into the local Kroger supermarket looking for my favorite rye bread. As I was scanning the shelf, I swear I SAW a 'price-reduced' sticker flicker into existance. It certainly hadn't been there before. I had looked carefully, and let's face it, those stickers aren't exactly easy to miss. :-D Spooky! But oh, so kyool.

I've had a few other incidents like that happen. Nothing major yet, but enough to convince me that there is definitely more to this World than meets the eye.

What miracles, big or small, metaphorical or literal, have you had happen?

BB & GF! :-)

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