Monday, November 30, 2009

To Thine Own Self Be True

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

In the midst of the post-hollyday depression, coupled with the “I'm not getting any sales!” panic this past weekend, I started wandering around the Internetz, as I'm wont to do in times of stress. (And yes, I know this isn't the most productive way to handle stress, but as you'll see, it's not necessarily the worst either.)

And along the way, I realized something. Several things, actually.

1. I realized that, without intending to, Mike & I had been slowly edging ourselves back towards a business model that hasn't been working for us for a long time, if indeed it ever truly did. And that that model, even if we could get it to work for us, wasn't what either Mike or I wanted out of either our business or our lives. So what on Earth were we doing, trying to go back to that place???

Looking for security, that's what.

Especially in times of stress, the tendency of the human animal is to go for the familiar, even if that familiar is no good for it. (Horses going back into burning stables. 'Nuff said.) It's scary, out on the Borderlands. That's what fear is, or is supposed to be, at any rate – a way of letting ourselves know that we are on the border to something new. It was never supposed to be about terrifying us into staying put, especially in no-good situations. It just became that way as time passed and humans forgot.

2. I realized that I'm not alone. Posts like this ( ) show me that I'm not alone in feeling overwhelmed & alone at times. Posts like this ( ), show me that I'm not alone in having chosen a major health crises to show me that I needed to change my life and suggest how to do it. Posts like this ( ), and this ( )and this ( ), showed me a mirror to hold up to myself and ask myself “Why not me? Why shouldn't I go for my Dreams? They did it. I can too!”

3. I realized (again) that I do indeed know what I want to do with my life, better than anyone else does, and that I need to be just getting on with it. Knock off this fear stuff and get a move on! So what if there are those who will think I'm crazy, who will disagree with me, who may even stop liking me because of what I say/do/believe? There'd be those people anyway, no matter what I do, or don't do, in my life. So, again, what's stopping me?

4. I realized from reading these great posts listed above, that what I want to do anyway is also, by wonder-full co-incidence, just the very things that will get me to where I want to be – following my Dream, being my Authentic Self, speaking & writing in My Very Own Voice. Woo-hoo, I say! Happy Days, Happy Bird! :-)

I'm fired up, I tell you. Quietly so – the Phoenyx is on low-flame tonight, but it's a strong-burning flame nonetheless. A flame of Persistent Passion, if you will. Kenaz, the flame of the Creative Torch, lighting the darkness of a late Fall evening, and the darkness of a post-hollyday depression and the darkness of a fear of failure & disconnection.

Not bad for a couple of days of 'goofing off', wouldn't you say?

So as that flame crackles quietly to itself, lighting the darknessess, I leave you with this question...

Are you following your Dreams?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)


Friday, November 27, 2009

Time Flies!

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

As I've said earlier in this blog, time seems to be acting more & more strangely of late. Mike & I are not the only ones noticing this either.

In my Thanksgiving phone call this Thursday, my extremely skeptical father commented on the fact that time seems to be speeding up of late. Various friends and acquaintances, both inside & outside the metaphysical communities, have also noticed & commented on this phenomenon.

So 'what up?', as they say? We took this question to our trusty Team, and this is what they had to say on the subject.

We-as-humanity are nearing a major crux point in our history. Whether you-as-an-individual choose to see this as triumph or tragedy does not matter – the crux point is still there regardless.

As we near this point, Time is compressing around it like the ribbon at the knot of a bow.

Once we hit that point, then move past it, Time will begin to pass more slowly again, eventually achieving the 1:1 ratio we have been accustomed to.

Or will it?

The Time-pace that we are used to is, I strongly suspect (and getting agreement from my Guides), not the same Time-pace that our ancestors were used to. So, will it slow down to their pace, to our pace, or to some other ratio that we are not even yet aware of???

Questions for another day.

For now, I leave you with this one:

How has Time been flowing for you lately?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Count Your Blessings!

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

With the American hollyday of Thanksgiving coming tomorrow, I thought it would be an appropriate time to remember to count my own blessings, and to invite you to do the same.

I know that for myself, and I suspect for many of you as well, it's been an interesting year, full of ups and downs, more so than usual. But one thing to remember, okay, two things, are that even in such times there are still many blessings to remember, not the least of which is that out of the deepest chaos can come the greatest opportunities.

So, wherever you are, take a moment and count your blessings. I can guarantee that whereever you are, whatever your personal circumstances and situation may be, you have more to be thankful for than you might think. :-)

Have you counted your blessings today?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Interruptions as Opportunities

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-D

Well, yours truly has certainly been getting some practice in the rewriting-of-circumstances today! It seems like every time I started to do something, there was an interruption of some kind. But, keeping last night's lessons in mind, I have done my best today to look at these interruptions as the opportunities they really are.

Opportunities, you say? Yes. Interruptions can be a place of pausing, to re-evaluate your direction in the moment, and make any course corrections you find beneficial. They can be an excellent time to practice patience and letting go. They can be beacons alerting you to places where you might wish to examine your relationship to time and the choices you make in spending that time.

All this from something we-as-humans so often identify as a pest and a nuisance. Makes you wonder what else we might be missing, doesn't it? :-D

How do you see the interruptions in your life?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)

Monday, November 23, 2009

REwriting Circumstances

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

Tonight's Jacob ( was about rewriting your circumstances. In that light, I'm not going to stress perfection, or worry about arbitrary goals to the detriment of myself. I'm going to take care of myself, and that means closing for tonight. :-)

Rest Well! :-)
Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)

Friday, November 20, 2009

Leaves - Pt Two

Greetings fellow Travellers! :-)

More leaves today, since my brain hasn't quite recovered all the way yet. :-D

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Leaves! :-D

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

Since my day was consumed by leaves, and I need to experiment anyway, here are some pics from when they were still on the trees:

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Watch Out for the Unexpected Squirrel! :-D

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

When I opened the door to get the mail today, instead of the post, I got a squirrel! Okay, it didn't come inside the house or anything - there's a glass screen door that sees to that - but it was still a very startling occurrence, for both of us.

We watched each other through the glass for a bit, then when it did that squirrel sidle-&-retreat thing they do, I quietly shut the door to grant the critter a peaceful space in which to make a more formal exit.

Now, I could have been all annoyed that this squirrel was there, but instead I choose to simply stand & admire this beautiful animal sitting on the porch. The different colors in the furr are really quite remarkable when you get a chance to look at them up close.

And I would have missed this if I hadn't been willing to readjust my Worldview & my schedule on the fly. Everything got done that needed to get done (the mail was all ads anyway :-P) and I got to have a beautiful Nature moment. How kyool is that?

Have you had an Unexpected Squirrel today?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Small Miracles

Greetings fellow Travellers! :-)

Miracles abound, you just have to look for them. Whether the metaphorical miracles such as the beauty that surrounds us, or the literal miracles which happen from time to time, miracles are everywhere.

Mike & I are blessed to live in a very beautiful part of the world, but every place has its beauties if you take the time to look. It may be something as small as a defiant dandelion blooming in the midst of a less-than-lovely section of the urban jungle, but it is there.

The literal miracles can be harder to spot, due to the tendency of the human mind to dismiss such things as a misseeing or a misremembering or the like, but they also exist - more so if you allow & encourage them. An example of one of mine is the day I went into the local Kroger supermarket looking for my favorite rye bread. As I was scanning the shelf, I swear I SAW a 'price-reduced' sticker flicker into existance. It certainly hadn't been there before. I had looked carefully, and let's face it, those stickers aren't exactly easy to miss. :-D Spooky! But oh, so kyool.

I've had a few other incidents like that happen. Nothing major yet, but enough to convince me that there is definitely more to this World than meets the eye.

What miracles, big or small, metaphorical or literal, have you had happen?

BB & GF! :-)

Monday, November 16, 2009


We haz it. :-D

Life evolves at its own pace, but lately it seems to be either (and frequently both!) going as fast as a lightening bolt and as slowly as a snail stuck in syrup.

As things are changing more and more, the vast majority of them for the better, the temptation to get impatient with the process and to want to be there NOW! also grows greater and greater.

Frustration abounds.

But like necessity, sometimes frustration can be the mother of invention.

In our own lives, examining some of our places of frustration today led to some wonderful, helpful discoveries that might not have come as quickly otherwise. (Such as the beginning cards to a wonderful affirmation deck! :-D)

So a piece of advice from a Bird that's been there. The next time you feel like screaming in frustration because you're beating your head against the metaphorical wall, you just might want to take a step back and see what your frustration is trying to tell you. It might just be something good. :-D

So what are your frustrations trying to tell you?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)

Friday, November 13, 2009

Beginnings :-)

Greetings fellow Travellers! :-D

Just as it was appropriate to start the outward Journey on 11-11, so too is it appropriate to start the inward one today, on 11-13, which just happens this month to be a Friday.

This is a time in our lives of making the wrong things right, of completing old cycles and discarding those no longer useful to us, of rewriting Archetypes that no longer fit us, and generally getting on with things.

What better day to start than a day traditionally associated in the modern world with negativity, Friday the 13th?

To a great degree, Archetypes are what we-as-humanity make of them, both on the personal level and in the larger scheme of things. So why not rewrite the negative to the positive, explore the sun side instead of the shadow? Why not? It's time.

We've discovered what our life's Journey is meant to be, or at least the major parts of it. We know where we've come from, and more importantly, we now know where we are going to. The final expressions will come over time, but we have a place to begin.

This blog is part of that. Will you join us, as we explore down the Rabbit Hole and beyond?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)