Thursday, December 3, 2009

Small Miracles

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

Over the last several days, I've been fortunate enough to have been blessed with a series of small miracles. From a piece of quartz appearing on the sidewalk in front of me when I really needed it, to the support stockings I needed showing up at Walgreen's not only in the correct sizes, but on sale at the price I wanted to pay, so that we didn't have to visit another store when my husband & I were both exhausted & hungry (not to mention the Mint M&Ms suddenly showing themselves, ditto), to the feather gifted to me on the back seat of our car when I was clearing it out to receive the return-bottles, to the reassuring *pops* of the I.C.E.s (Intelligent/Independent Crystal Entities) as they let us know, per our request, of their presence as they come and go, I've seen vibrant proof that the Universe will provide, and astoundingly well, if only we will open our minds & hearts and allow that to be a truth for ourselves.

Now, yes, there will be those among you saying that these were just co-incidences, or everyday occurrences, or other words that mean that these gifts should be disregarded. But to me, whether these were true miracles or not isn't nearly as important as being aware of the countless gifts the Universe will give once you are open to receive. So I will say thank you anyway.

Thank you! :-)

And I as leave you tonight, replete with the knowledge of the small miracles happening all around, I ask you this question:

Are you looking for the small miracles?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :0)

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