Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 Is Gone, All Hail 2010 aka Here's to a New Year, a New Decade, & a New Life! :-D

Greetings, fellow Travellers! :-)

Been a bit since I've written. It was a combination of the December blues which I've had for a few years now and the realization that we need to be moving & combining our blogs into one space, and the resultant sense of 'why should I write when I'll just need to copy it into the new place anyway?'

But I'm back, at least for now. Will update you when we move to the new site, but in the meantime, I wanted to record some of the awesomeness of the day, and invite you to share your own New Years' Awesomenesses.

1. Got to see both 79977 & 79979 on the odometer today. For one who is intrigued by such things, this was immensely nifty.

2. The paycheck hit a day early, reducing much stress in the household, and allowing the easier import of More FEESH. This is always a good plan, to paraphrase Lady Coco, who admitted to having a virtual paw in the works on that one. Something about it improving the energy she rests in for the part of her that is my Hat. (Yes, part of her hangs out with me 24-7, and let me tell you what - she is way more awesome & effective than Prozac! :-D For me, at any rate.)

3. Was able to follow up on the slew of recent opportunities because of the influx of money. Yay! :-)

4. CrowTarot Tours is really starting to come together, hardcore, and I'm really getting the sense that it's really gonna happen this time.

5. Had a wonderful evening of FEESH! and Star Trek 2009. :-)

And now... onto 2010!!! :-D

As I leave you tonight, I invite you to share your thoughts, hopes, dreams, ambitions, and whatever else you'd like to share about the year to come, and I ask you this question...

What's next?

Bright Blessings & Good Fortune! :-)
-Birdy! :>

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